Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate anyone and everyone that takes time out of their precious day(s) to read my boring blogging! I started this page due to a pending deployment my hubby and I are looking forward to waiting on. This page is supposed to by my coping device! I hope it helps, I also want it to be a way for my husband to keep up with my life while he is away! I am a crazy rambler, I care about things many others don't. I'm unusual,and I will try my hardest to keep you entertained!
I am a 19 year old part time MilSpouse. By part time I mean, my husband is in the National Guard. I love it, it gives us a chance to actually have a piece of normal life, we don't have to move every few years, it doesn't interfere with my schooling, and we are close to our family.My husband is an OIF veteran, he returned home safely in 2008. He has volunteered for another deployment which he will shortly be leaving for.
I am a 19 year old part time MilSpouse. By part time I mean, my husband is in the National Guard. I love it, it gives us a chance to actually have a piece of normal life, we don't have to move every few years, it doesn't interfere with my schooling, and we are close to our family.My husband is an OIF veteran, he returned home safely in 2008. He has volunteered for another deployment which he will shortly be leaving for.
The hubby is 23, he has been in the guard for 6 years. I'm 19, I am in nursing school and will be graduating May of 2012! Hubby will be back from the sandbox by then *hopefully*. We met when I had just turned 15. There is some what of an age difference but I have lived a tough life, being the big sister and all. My older sister has Autism so I practically helped raise her and my younger brother. I am honestly more mature for my age and I'm not just saying that. Our story isn't romantic, in fact I was walking my American Bulldog, or should I say, Buster was walking me! My friend Ben just happened to be driving and stopped and talked to me. My future husband was in the truck with him, he had just gotten back from AIT that same week, I had heard of him. I wasn't attracted to him, and I was only 15!! We turned into be really good friends, then one day I just realized I really "like" him. It is actually a cheesy story, he was a broke kid with a expensive truck payment.He asked me on a date, so I had to ask my mom...she said YES!! We got to go to a movie, and McDonalds! Ever since that day we have been attached. We haven't had the most perfect relationship but it's ours. That's what makes it great!
I rarely ever look this pretty anymore! I guess this picture is actually a lie now! It's the best one I have though.
Hubby while deployed to Iraq. Looking a little scruffy to?
On our wedding day in 09.
I want to thank you for stopping by my blog, I appreciate it more than you will ever know! If you have any questions feel free to email me... k_la0014@yahoo.com